Monday, December 20, 2010

The other morning outside Mars Bar


  1. When you write on the chassis like that it scratches the finish. Write on people's dusty windows all you want but scratching the finish on someone's parked car? come on that is complete douchebaggery. Drunk people--the most inconsiderate people there is.

  2. By the looks of the vehicle, methinks the owner would not be the type to be too concerned about fine dust scratches on its vehicle.

    In reference to the message, "LES IS DEAD" I say, "word up".

  3. Or maybe you should wash your car.

  4. @Anon 3:39 are you a complete moron? That's a finger on a dirty car, not scratches. Now, back to the damn point; RIP Mars Bar!

  5. The Lower East Side died when a large parcel of it was renamed East Village. This happened decades ago.


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