Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Revisiting: MARS BAR was a riot in the Nineties...

I first posted this back in February... Given yesterday's news about the possible two-year closure of the Mars Bar, I thought I'd repost...

An EV Grieve reader pointed out the Facebook page titled "MARS BAR was a riot in the Nineties..." Since then, I have been looking at the nearly 800-plus photos there, such as these by Ellen Cheever....

(And thanks to Ellen for granting me permission to repost here...)

And this!


  1. The idea that the Mars Bar will be temporarily closed is quite misleading. The Mars Bar will be torn down for a 13 story condo building. A space within the new building will be called Mars Bar. It may as well move to Las Vegas.

  2. That photo collection is really like looking at a family album. I'm hoping more people will add to it in light of this upsetting news.


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