Saturday, December 4, 2010

Sato is missing

Flyer spotted on 13th Street near Avenue A.


  1. Oh poor Sato! From now on, when I'm out and about I'll keep my cell phone on in case I should ever find Sato or the dog Sammy!

  2. Check on top of that guy's head from the post below, maybe Sato is the pussy hat of the day.

  3. The Sammy thing was a bit over the top but let's not be cynical or smartasses to everyone else who loses a pet because of it. It's a devastating experience, so have a heart, please.

    I hope these people find Sato very soon. It's too cold out there for a lost kitty.

  4. I mentioned Sammy out of the most sincere place in my heart. I truly hope he's reunited with his owners soon. If I should ever lose my cat Roger I would be DEVASTATED!

  5. I actually found another stray cat that looks just like Sato about a week and a half ago. I just called the number to see if this cat was Sato. Sato has been found, the owner just told me. If you know of another cat looking like this one who was lost please contact me at

  6. Sato was found??? HOORAY!!!

  7. that is great news if Sato has been found.

    i would like to request anyone who has lost a pet and posts flyers, if/when the pet is found, to go back around and scrawl "FOUND" across it in big letters, so a) we know not to keep looking/fretting and b) so that we can feel good about it.

    or at least take them down!


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