So, rationally, they ran after the bus. Per the EV resident: "When he stopped the bus at the light, they stood in front of it."

"Lady in the hat stood there for 15 minutes. Bus driver did not budge because 'he gets paid to sit here.' Driver finally let us out the back door. For all I know they're still there. Are they heroes? Villains? I hope she doesn't try this with a subway train. Or do I?"
These women should have been arrested. I swear some people who ride the bus think it's their own personal limousine. Guess what, it isn't!
i've actually seen some bus drivers wait for passengers with the new system. then again, maybe because it's still new. give it some time.
"I hope she doesn't try this with a subway train."
Exactly my point about SBS all along. All these dimwits wouldn't expect a subway train to wait for them while they buy a Metrocard, so why do they expect a bus to wait for them?
Old people are really fucking crazy about change.
Shoulda let Darwinism take its course and have the bus's parking brake fail... oopsie...
old people may be against change
but most change isn't progress.
it's not old people that are f--king up the traffic and riding their bikes on the sidewalks. however, they/we do go through lights.
make some changes that make sense, that are thought out before being totally implemented.
nys lottery on line redesigned their site. made it impossible to find anything. had only complaints and went back to the old site to think over the new one.
do it right the first time, take your time and do it right. saves a lot of money too.
we are in such a hurry for change that we don't take the time to figure out what it will bring with it.
and wait, you will, absolutely be an old person if somebody doesn't off you first.
and wait till you are old and can't run for the but that is leaving in front of you. at least in the subway you don't see the train waiting or leaving while you buy your fair or swipe your card, and you can't make eye contact with the driver that sees you trying to rush to get on the bus, smiles and pulls away.
Unrelated to this article (sorry), this LinkWithin thing that just appeared is kind of distracting and not very useful. Can't say I'm a fan.
@anon 11:57
yeah, it's starting to annoy me now. too random for me. it's gone.
Selfish, petulant behavior is selfish, petulant.
I hauled ass to get to a Select on Monday, but it pulled away just as my ticket was coming out. Was I pissed? Yeah, but my mantra is "that wasn't my bus (or train)" There's always another one coming after the missed one. Those two ladies need some perspective...
and wait till you are old and can't run for the but that is leaving in front of you. at least in the subway you don't see the train waiting or leaving while you buy your fair or swipe your card, and you can't make eye contact with the driver that sees you trying to rush to get on the bus, smiles and pulls away.
Enough of this. A bus has a schedule to keep just like a train. If the driver waited for everyone to get on, you'd complain that there are huge gaps between buses and that five show up at once.
Damned if you do, damned if you don't.
I think people expect the bus to wait for them because they are appealing to a human being. On the subway there is no human being to appeal to. If there were a visible conductor that you could run and shout after, they would expect the same as the bus.
I've noticed that recently the bus drivers are far more surly than they were even a year ago. They do not seem happy by any measure.
testing, having trouble with the comments, you can delete this sorry.
To the poster lecturing us about how when we're old we won't be able to run for the bus, uh, this lady is in pretty damn good shape if she can stand out in the street in front of the bus in the freezing cold for 15 minutes! I hope I am in that kind of shape when I'm old!
"The two hadn't even been to the ticket kiosk when the bus departed". This is killer,if true. No respect for these two.
THere should be a way to buy bulk select tickets in advance. I had my ticket checked twice going downtown on one ride, it cuts out all the speed that the line saved. Better going uptown than down.
I applaud their ability to run and chase down a bus and stand it down, but the spirit is wasted because their spirit is selfishness and needing things to happen for them alone. What if making the turn in their orthopedic heels they had fallen and gotten crushed under a bus wheel? This is hardly the thing to take a potential harm to life and limb and livelihood stand for I hope they get their priorities straightened out.
"Lady in the hat stood there for 15 minutes. Bus driver did not budge because 'he gets paid to sit here.'
So... there wasn't another SBS bus coming by in those 15 minutes ?? If that's the case, the service really does suck.
People are getting ticketed for walking bikes on the sidewalk and these two scofflaws apparently get off scott free??? That's just wrooong!! By rights they shoulda been arrested. I wanna know did they at least face the wrath of the passengers on that bus?? I know I would've been pretty mad.
@anonymous 6:59
Yup. I would know because I use my phone stopwatch to time my bus ride every day. Another bus came 12 minutes after we stopped, and that's the one we boarded.
ha! i love that woman. what gumption. what a nut! great story.
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