Saturday, December 11, 2010

Tompkins Square Park, 9:19 a.m., Dec. 11


  1. He's just sleeping...right? RIGHT?!?!

  2. It's a not-so-subtle message from a member of Minnie's posse. This rat was left on the sidewalk outside the New Jersey home of the lady suing McSorley's for Minnie's alleged attack. You mess with Minne, you mess with the East Village PawPurrs (paupers). They don't play!!!


  3. it had too much pbrs, cupcakes, fro-yos and ramens

  4. i feel bad whenever i see a fellow mammal suffer this kind of ignominious end.

  5. Tired after a hard night of working at Ray's.

  6. is this LES JEWELS Christmas dinner ?

  7. One down, eight bajillion to go.

  8. oh brother. i can relate


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