Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Fire on East 10th Street

Several readers are reporting on a fire on East 10th Street between Avenue B and Avenue C...

Per one: "I saw it after the fire was put out but something BAD happened earlier, tons of ambulances/ladders. I even saw one guy who looked bloodied being taken away on a stretcher..."

And from another reader: "10th btwn B & C, 4 story bldg next to Charas. Lots of trucks, a hook and ladder, I don't see any smoke or fire. They've been there about 40 min."

[Photo via EV Grieve reader Ashir]


  1. eek! thats right behind me on 9th! sirens still blaring! sooo many fires lately it makes me a ball of nerves, I have to shut off heat and practically unplug everything in my apt before i leave. coming home yesterday I saw a bunch of flashing lights in front of my place and my heart sank but ended up being what looked like car thieves

  2. dude, it's gotten to the point now where i go, "let me go check ev greive and see what's on fire now." UGH.

  3. I'm with Evil Sugar on this one. I am afraid to leave my East Village tenement for fear it'll catch on fire. I went out yesterday and was heading down Avenue B and saw fire trucks racing up, and I made sure they weren't going to my street.

    Also, on an unrelated note, Evilsugar25, if you read this, are you associated with the store Evil Sugar that used to be on East 12th Street between First and Second Avenues. If so, I loved that place and always hoped you'd open elsewhere!

  4. I just spoke to someone working on site who is the 'board up guy'. Not sure what that means. But he said a man set his apartment on fire right before shooting himself. If you can get any pics of the bldg right now, you'll see there is a 'body' truck out front.... so sad.

  5. there are more and more fires.
    something is up.
    what does the fire department say?
    i guess i have to pack a get-ready bag and get a fireproof lock box.


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