Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Dash Snow tag discovered, covered

Roger's Garden on First Avenue between First Street and Second Street is now closed for renovations, as I pointed out last week...

The market was always open 24/7, which meant we never really saw the rolldown gate... But, with the closing, the gate was finally pulled down... where the Intern of EV Grieve (IOEVG) noted there is SACE art — the tag used by the late Dash Snow ... we went for a photo before the gate is painted over...

Meanwhile, workers have put up plywood around the store...


  1. someone should tell the owners not to paint over it

  2. Funny how when you're a rich white guy you're an artist when you tag and when you're a poor Puerto Rican you're a vandal. Cover it up and let the real artists of the East Village do their thing there.

  3. yup, it's all about the middle american who moved here in 1985, no one else existed before that...

  4. you like tagging? then tag over this crap like they did the garbage fartwork on houston street where the haring mural was.


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