Monday, January 17, 2011

Goat Town City Limit

Goat Town over on Fifth Street between Avenue A and Avenue B now has exterior signage...

Subtle enough. And, hey — how about the food? We haven't eaten there ourselves... a few trustworthy EV Grieve regulars have tried it... all say the food is quite good, though portion size seems to vary... and one commenter said that upon his visit, everyone eating and working at Goat Town looked like Luke Wilson's character (pre haircut) from "The Royal Tenenbaums."

Meanwhile, our friends at East Village Eats dined there on New Year's Eve. You can read that review here.

[Image via]


  1. The forest and woodland themes are sputtering out, along with the trend of dressing like a film or sport star circa 1976.

    The visability of these trends in the East Village means that they are already dead, ie being sold to the weekend crowds.

    Please stay tuned for further fashion updates.

  2. Hmmm.. tough to gauge what the new trend will be. With spring nearly round the corner, I predict yacht/boat wear being the theme in 2011. Get your linen cream-colored, cuffed, wide-legged pants at the ready!

  3. I always think that pocket watches and spats are in style.

  4. The food at Goat town is pretty good. I've been there 4 times since New Year's. My only gripe is that they keep on tinkering with the menu. The goat meatballs I had one night were significantly different the next night! I get your Royal Tenenbaums statement & agree, but they're a nice bunch of hippy'sters'.

  5. I live right across the street, so I've stumbled over there a couple times for brunch. The food is very good.


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