Friday, January 7, 2011

Is the end near for brainless cupcake iconography?

A reader passes along this photo and a note ...

"New ad at Union Square. I'm no locavore, but I'm pretty sure that cupcake wasn't harvested from a farm within 100 miles. Maybe this means the end is near for brainless cupcake iconography.


  1. Well, if that Cupcake is from Butter Lane, I'm sure that kid's teeth are going to fall out pretty soon.

  2. Guarantee that's not a city kid either but some lass from Rochester. Bah-hahaaahaa.

  3. If someone can make up 'locavore' why can't Palin make up 'refudiate'?

  4. I love cupcakes. I don't like the pricey frosted grenades that pass for cupcakes now. Cup-CAKE. NOT Cup-o-FROSTING. You listening, Magnolia and Butter Lane? You need an electron microscope to see the actual dough under those Matterhorns of sugar. Ech.

  5. and she had to go to the bank to take out a loan to pay for it!

  6. Sugar Sweet has good cupcakes. Mmm, buttercream frosting. I hate frosting in general, but they do it well.


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