Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Nerds wonder when Queen Amidala of Naboo will finally take off her shirt on the Bowery


  1. I thought this showed her putting her shirt back on after a friendly romp with super moron. I'm concerned because I would like to see her boobs.

  2. Please. Any nerd will tell you Padmé Naberrie Amidala retired from the throne of Naboo when her term expired, it being an elective office rather than a hereditary title, and went on to represent her planet in the Galactic Senate. And you call yourself well informed.

    Oh, um, and also we know she's a fictional character and Natalie Portman is a really cool person. :-)

  3. @ Richard

    I feel badly for that headline. I reduced it to sex and overlooked, say, her relief efforts that helped in the Shadda-Bi-Boran exodus. My apologies to her parents, Ruwee and Jobal Naberrie.

    Anyway! Back to playing with my Naboo star skiff!

  4. Well played, Jedi. The thirty-six systems of the Chommell sector salute your wisdom.

    (And thanks for not pointing out my obvious mistake in referring to Senator Amidala as merely representing Naboo rather than the entire sector. I mean, duh!)

  5. I thought this was a new-fangled tampon ad, thanks for clearing that up. And yeah, the nerd in me wants to see her tits.

  6. Ruwee what? Galactic huh? Would someone please toss me a blanket for these douche chills please?

  7. This post & comments are hilarious. Good work all around.


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