Sunday, January 23, 2011

On the hunt?

EV Grieve reader Crazy Eddie sends along these photos and a note ... He says he was walking south on Avenue A around St. Mark's Place this morning when he noticed that the pigeons were going batshit over Tompkins Square Park ... Was the read-tailed hawk around? Sure enough... on the west side of the Avenue... The crows seemed to be saying, Don’t fuck with us.

One of the Park's hawk watchers said that the hawk is in "hunting mode."


  1. There is something metaphorical about the hawk, the crows, and the the squatter's logo.

    Great shot, Crazy Eddie.

  2. Ive seen the crows bombard the hawk en masse to get it to go away. They seem utterly fearless going up against this predator.

  3. Yes, crows and starlings and suchlike will mob raptors like hawks and owls. They don't kill them, thank heavens, just get all up in their faces. Or beaks. I LOVE that we have our own EV Hawks.

  4. That Hawk will fit right in as we back-to-the-future on the LES

  5. Didn't TSP birds used to carry knives and shit ?....

    Man, times have changed.

  6. To Anon 12:11PM - Nah, they used to carry dirty needles to stab unwelcome newbies.


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