Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The Penistrator shows off his stroke outside Mars Bar

The Intern of EV Grieve (IOEVG) returns to my good graces with this masterful photo taken outside the Mars Bar the other night... This is NOT the Faux Penistrator that we've seen of late... No, this is classic Osment Penistrator.


  1. I'd like to hand it to the Penisrator, but I'm afraid that might turn into a bit of a sticky wicket. I'd applaud his efforts, but I don't want to give him the clap, so I'll just say, "Thanks for all you do, Penistrator!"

  2. I was out of town and missed this!!!

  3. Hi Melanie,

    This is why you CAN NEVER GO OUT OF TOWN!


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