Thursday, January 13, 2011

[Updated] Small fire reported on 11th Street and Avenue C

EV Grieve contributor Bobby Williams reports that there was a small fire this evening at the Village East Towers on 11th Street and Avenue C. Fire crews responded at 7:30 and quickly extinguished the blaze. No reports of injuries. No other details are available now.

[Updated] Building security said it was a cooking-related fire in an apartment.


  1. What the hell, another one!?

  2. I have to say I'm majorly creeped out by all these f-reports (I'm too afraid of it even to type the word...I may have to regretfully part ways with EVG over it)...are they really necessary? Just askin'.

  3. I wonder if this many fires is normal, and that they're just being better reported these days in the blogosphere. i mean, i live on 2nd ave, I seem to hear FDNY sirens and horns on full blast, barreling down the street at least once a day.

    if there really is an unusual number of fires going on, maybe it's climate related. It's dry as fuck lately!

  4. @HippieChick

    Please don't leave EVG!

    I'll admit this one certainly wasn't as newsworthy as the others. And there was some coincidence that the photographer happened to be there... otherwise, this likely would have gone unnoticed (unreported?) like so many other small fires.

    At some point I'll share the number of fires reported in CB3 last year. I was surprised by how many there were... however minor they may been...

  5. At this point, there should be a stand-alone website for EV fires where people can check in and see what's happening. My heart starts racing when ever I hear sirens now.


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