Thursday, January 13, 2011

That Four Loko sign isn't lying at Robin Raj

Yesterday, we noted that Robin Raj on Third Avenue near 14th Street was advertising Four Loko... a few people questioned whether this was the real thing...

Then someone passed along this photo of their fridge after a Robin Raj run and this message: "Just look at it. The sign does not lie."


  1. they are selling out fast on e-bay

  2. love you robin raj for your eternal weirdness.

  3. Unfortunately most bodegas are selling Four Loko - that's not the unfortunate part - the Four Loko's in the store don't have caffeine in them anymore. Defeats the purpose!

  4. Exactly. It is still Four Loko but there is no caffeine. Adapt your post!

  5. Damn didn't realize there's no caffeine. Maybe Robin Raj will give you free caffeine pills if you buy enough Four Loko?

  6. Why is this swill even on the radar of you people. I always figured the stuff was strictly aimed at ghetto teens and frat boys. whatever happened to adults drinking old fashioned beer and liquor. what in god's name is the world coming to.

  7. Bought some yesterday at Rboin Raj out of curiosity, the one left in my fridge doesn't mention caffeine anywhere on the can. It still got me buzzed though ;-O

  8. Here is a pic of 2 4Lokos, one purchased before the ban and one that is being sold now. Previous can lists Caffeine and recent can does not.


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