Saturday, January 22, 2011

Tonda was open last night

Yesterday, we noted that Tonda, the pizzeria at 235 E. Fourth St. near Avenue B, had been closed this week. However, we walked by last night around 8:30ish and the place was open...


  1. this place has been closed for long stretches, and the open randomly. weird.

  2. you guys are usually so on top of it. has no one seen the small sign that say "Open thurs-saturday evenings?" or something close. a sure sign of a business in distress.

  3. I didn't see the sign... And it's not accurate — Tonda was closed this past Thursday. And why not update their website or outgoing message with the new hours then?

  4. I live on the block, and there doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to Tonda's hours. I keep waiting for it to officially go under, as things just aren't looking good...


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