Tuesday, January 18, 2011

When your East Village dinner plans call for a whole baby lamb

Our friend Matt Rosen at Neighborhoodr noted a menu item at the newish Olivia Bistro on East Ninth Street ...


  1. Yeah, the next time I take my family out for a celebration we'll get the $450 baby lamb at Olivia Bistro. Note to the owners of Olivia Bistro...serve food people in the neighborhood can afford. There's still a lot of us working and middle class people here!

  2. not even the SLACKTIVIST would even think of eating here

  3. $450 for a dead baby anything. Mmmm, so appetizing.

  4. Beautiful, really nice. I went there with my parents. We had the lamb. It was out of this world and there was plenty left over. I put it in my refrigerator and picked on it all week.
    Upon entering each patron receives a feather which is to be used after the meal. A beautiful fifteen foot custom ivory sink made out of real elephant tusks offers plenty of room for purging. This is in the basement along with another fantastic room for bloodletting. The feathers are entirely sustainable as they are hand picked fresh every day from Tompkins Square Park.

  5. When your East Village dinner plans call for a whole baby lamb
    Sounds like my typical tuesday night

  6. People are so disgusting these days, I notice all kinds of shit on menus, rabbit, bone marrow, ostrich, sweetbreads. What ever happened to people moving away from meat for both ethical and health reasons to say something more moderate like chicken, fish, vegetarian.

    This is a real reflection of the greed and gluttony in our society,
    and the sustainable food movement in my opinion, has less to do with animal rights, ecology, fair trade, etc. as it has to do with narcissistic people wanting to have the best quality for themselves.

  7. What is all the whining about? $450 gets you 20 lbs of lamb for a minimum of 8 people (2.5 lbs per person). Make it 10 people and that comes out to 2 lbs per person at $45 each. Sounds like decent price for a special occasion.

    No, you are not going to eat there every day. So what?

  8. i am not a vegetarian but a whole anything slaps you in the face with the reality that you are eating an animal. let alone a baby one. lambs are so cute, as are rabbits and even frogs.
    this is now a trend down here now, momo and others are offering whole cooked animals for hundred of dollars. and even "heads" are a featured item.
    eating meat is so much easier when you buy a piece from the butcher, or if you are daring cut up and wrapped in plastic in the supermarket. it's like so much cheese.

  9. .. which is why I'm vegetarian!

  10. there is never anyone in that place.

  11. Eating chicken, as one commentor suggested is far less ethical, as chickens have arguably the worst lives of all animals that are factory farmed (a truly cruel practice in and of itself). Just thought that should be pointed out.

  12. Blame the "foodie" people for this sort of obnoxious bullshit.

  13. Right on Sammy! I'm the one who posted the comment. I'm actually a vegetarian. I shop at Commodities and eat mostly vegan with some dairy from good small companies. I know about the poultry industry. I was just trying to suggest how years ago people seemed to keep cutting more and more meat items out compared to nowadays where they don't even try, and the fish is not sustainable either, although fish oils are good for so many things in the body. I use to be vegan but couldn't make it. I got weak and wasn't able to figure it out. I am also allergic to soy.

  14. I blame Mary for this. She had a little lamb at first but she couldn't control her appetite and now it's all this!

  15. Any chef who advertises "BABY LAMB" ought to be dick-slapped senseless with a jumbo shrimp.

  16. Listening to vegans bleating on and on is even worse than eating cute little lambs. And what sort of true vego would promote the eating of unsustainable fish and chicken? You should wash your mouth out with coconut soap.

    The most disgusting bit about the menu is that that have the audacity to whack a 20% gratuity on top of a $450 meal. Lamb is not THAT expensive, even when it's imported.

  17. Seriously? Did no one see this article - and startling picture - of what a whole pig dinner looks like?


    I'm sure whole lamb is just going for the next trend, since steak houses, hamburgers, tacos and now pork are all 'sooo over'.

  18. "People are so disgusting these days, I notice all kinds of shit on menus, rabbit, bone marrow, ostrich, sweetbreads. What ever happened to people moving away from meat for both ethical and health reasons to say something more moderate like chicken, fish, vegetarian."

    What is more "moderate" about that? You have got to be trolling. Ostrich is a hella lot more "sustainable" than chicken or fish, and bone marrow is eating what most people would just throw out. Do some research next time.

  19. those POOR f*cking LAMBS.

  20. people who would order that are a bunch of sheep anyway...


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