Friday, February 11, 2011

East Village prepping for induction into Ugly New Hotel Hall of Fame Class of 2012

Well, now. We've been keeping tabs on the new Union Square Hyatt coming to Fourth Avenue at 13th Street... the last renderings looked like this...

Apparently that was just too darn boring for a hotel here... The ArchPaper (via Curbed!) has the latest, um, look:

Per Curbed's description:

This terrace will reportedly hold a hydroponic bamboo garden growing tall outside the hotel windows. The Hyatt's vertical extension will be capped by two floors faced in glass. For a final flourish, the corner over Fourth will get a halo framed in metal.

Meanwhile, this will be soon joining its classmate down on the Bowery...


  1. So between the two hotels we've got green hydroponic trees, a metal halo, a bunch of red cubes and a giant TV screen. It's like a consumerist Christmas!

  2. What does bamboo have to do with Union Square? I hate this context-less, thoughtless, random trendy crap school of architecture.

  3. I think the Hyatt looks nice.

  4. Well, if this abomination must; at least it's on 14th st.
    I caught a quick glance at the first picture and saw the big "Union", and thought that was to be the Union Market building on Ave A. I about soiled myself.

  5. Honestly that halo really confuses me...

  6. I still can't believe the exploding red Pez dispenser building is going to be on The Bowery. The BOWERY!!!
    -Roger P


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