Friday, February 11, 2011

Outside Lil' Frankie's, carrot toppled

On First Avenue near First Street last night. Photos courtesy of EV Grieve reader Anna. And we have no idea what was going on here... which makes it all the more entertaining...

[Publisher's note: We are limiting commenter Marty Wombacher to five bad carrot puns.]


  1. Oh believe me, Marty won't carrot all that you try to limit his puns.

  2. I'm actually surprised he hasn't hopped to it by now.

  3. Because he is, after all, such a rabbit fan of really bad groaners. Let's ear it for Marty!

  4. now THAT's the life. lying around on the street in a carrot suit. sign me up!!

  5. I can't think of one carrot pun. This is a 24 carrot moment.

  6. Maybe it's LES Jewel's new gig.

  7. @Marty

    I know a rabbit with great jokes. Contact him via hare mail.

  8. mr. wombacher w/o more than one...boy what can one say...'cept that 365 stint really did effect him...


  9. Hare today, gone tomorrow? (Sorry, I know that one was hare-brained.) (OK! That's the five Marty was allowed!)

  10. Wuz he MUGGED Carrots have rights


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