Saturday, February 12, 2011

What's the rush at 35 Cooper Square?

EV Grieve reader Joe sends along the top photo of 35 Cooper Square this morning with a simple question: "Wasn't there a roof here yesterday?"

Indeed, workers are on this scene this Saturday morning doing something or another on the roof. (Removing asbestos from the roof, via Roland Li at Real Estate Weekly.)

...and the sinkhole parking lot is full of the workers' cars...

So, what's the rush? Are we in for a quickie, overnight teardown? Don't see anything in the work permit about Saturday construction...And someone has already called to complain about the illegal work.


  1. They're trying to tear it down as quickly as possible before someone figures out a legal way to stop it. So sad...

  2. Tearing down or gutting this building should be a jailable offense. Needless to say, I think NYC's government will look the other way...

  3. Well, there's a fine that they would have to pay if they tore it down and my room mate says that they're probably just going to pay the fine and do it illegally.

    Sad really. Aren't there marshalls or some us department that could actually stop them from moving forward with this? Rich people can do anything they want and get away with it. They just have to pay a fine...sad

  4. In all likelihood that pretty little link to history will be gone by the end of the coming week - it's so small that it won't take much to make it disappear. Utterly disheartening, that the wishes of a neighborhood and elected officials can so quickly and illegally be steamrollered over for the benefit of some developer. May Bloomberg and his ilk spend eternity rotting in either the Fourth (greed) or the Ninth (treachery) Circle of Hell.

  5. just logged in an urgent call to 311 DOB & also 911 as this is an illegal action - if someone is in the vicinity, can you please check the situation

  6. attn - citylion, anonymous and stedman
    instead of wondering who is responsible to try to stop this illegal action.....TAKE ACTION!
    call 311 - call 911 -- there is NO PERMIT for demolition, so this is an illegal act!!
    we all need to be responsible !!!

  7. How much is the fine? It must not be enough to deter illegal demolition. Ugh. :(

  8. I talked to one of the workers today. He was locking up the outer shed. I asked him if it were true that they were removing asbestos. He said yes. I asked if the building was going to be demolished and he said yes, in a week. I wanted to make sure I understood so I asked, "OK, so asbestos removal now, demolition in a week?" and he said yes.

    He asked me in his strong Eastern European accent, "You like this building?" I said yes, that I live in the neighborhood and was curious what was going on with the building. I added that I liked it a lot because it was 'old school New York'. He told me that well, the structure was falling apart and had to get torn down and then showed me the South-facing wall and said it was beginning to collapse on itself.

    He seemed sincere and matter-of-fact. I thanked him and went on my way and Twittered you and Bowery Boogie the news ASAP. :*-(
    - @Roger_Paw

  9. I have never ever seen asbestos removal done without very explicit signs alerting the public to that fact. There is not one sign anywhere around Cooper 35. I believe they're bullsh**ting. I did call 311.

  10. In one of the pictures you can see a worker on the roof. He certainly is not removing asbestos, as he's completely unprotected. Removing asbestos is a hazmat job.

  11. Please CALL THE Department of Buildings at 311 ASAP and they will put you in touch with a building specialist to report the demolition of this building. Stress the urgency of the situation. You will probably be put on hold for a while but it is import to report this to the DOB.

  12. I'm one of the people who already called 311 on this. I have to say if 911 is a joke, 311 is an elaborate prank. Especially anything to do with the building department. They are completely bought off and unresponsive. I can't blame people for not bothering to call. The DOB inspectors will never issue a ticket.


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