Tuesday, March 8, 2011

City unveils new plan to patrol First Avenue bike lane


I love this photo by James Maher. Reprinted with permission. Find more of his photos here.


  1. Those pigeons are so dopey. Not exactly the most cautious beast out there. It especially irks me when they try to sneak out into the lane or the street real quick to grab a crumb, misjudging oncoming traffic and causing everyone to slow down to avoid hitting them. They are some of the worst pedestrians in the city, and that is saying a lot.

  2. @Anonymous 12:50pm: I've never thought of a pigeon as a "beast." And cut them some slack, they are operating on bird-brains after all!

    P.S. Nice photos!

  3. pigeons are but 'rats of the skies'.

    Nice pic :)


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