Monday, March 7, 2011

Cowgirl Cupcakes (and Burritos) now open on East 10th Street

Back in December, we noted the Cowgirl Cupcakes was taking over a storefront on East 10th Street between First Avenue and Avenue A...

EV Grieve reader Leesy reports Cowgirl opened yesterday...

While she didn't sample the food, she did go in for a look... she notes the staff is very cool and excited to be part of the neighborhood... and that the place kind of smelled like, say, San Loco ... per the menu, burritos are the first item listed... Per Leesy: "I guess it just seemed odd that a place with cupcake in the name was more like Burritos."

Anyway, everything on the menu is vegan...


  1. If its vegan that means there is no buttercream.

  2. Awesome! I was just thinking, "Where can I find an artisinal, hydroponic, sustainable, vegan, free range, organic cupcake shop in the East Village?"

    Fuck off.

  3. Dear Big Brother,

    Does that mean you also nearby neighbor and long time resident Whole Earth Bakery & Kitchen to fuck off?

  4. I love butter cream frosting. I want to be clear on that. That said, I remembered that I have had some tasty vegan cupcakes from the cafe down on 1st Ave. B. There's a a lot of vegan cupcake competition around.

  5. oops, on my earlier comment I should have said "do you also *want* nearby neighbor", I left out the vowel. Anyway, just stopped in to Cowboy, cupcakes are good! Love that it's vegan, thereby "no-range".

  6. Not going there because of the corny ass name. Open up in a California mall instead.

  7. Welcome to the neighborhood!

    I love Whole Earth Bakery (is that man not the sweetest thing ever?) and I'm going to happily give this place a shot as well.

    I guess Big Brother was hoping for another bar . . . he'll get over it.


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