Friday, March 18, 2011

Other East Village signs maybe someone can take issue with

This is just the beginning!


  1. Man, I remember I got a wicked case of the Pinkberry Swirly Hots my senior year of college. Couldn't elevate my groin for a week. not pretty.

  2. Ha! I personally think the phrase "Pinkberry Swirly Hots" Is very offensive, and will be starting a petition immediately. Is not funny, and is attracting the wrong type of people to our neighborhood.

    If you have ever been on the receiving end of a swrily hot, you would agree w me.

  3. blue & cream is very offensive. Conservatives wear a lot of blue and cream. They should try toning it down a bit. Maybe screaming & creaming would be better.

  4. Do you seriously not realize the sign issue for most was not a bout being offended? Give me a break. It was the frathouse bullshit annoyingness. Enough already!

  5. @anon12:09
    I agree The Hot Chicks Room is about marketing towards the fratties.
    I'm all for comedy, but this is not like a rad Lenny Bruce venue from back in the day.

  6. Blue & Cream...TMI!

    This is going to be a great series, looking forward to more!

  7. I would like to complain about the name of your blog. I think the word Grieve is depressing. Change it now, or I will protest you!

  8. not a sign, but lots of us are deeply bothered by the presence of this in our neighborhood:

  9. 12:09 / 12:19

    you're sure about that are you? Because I'm the sort of person who takes time to look into things before I speak about them, I educated myself as to the actual fact that "Hot Chicks Room" is a reference to a popular Upright Citizens Brigade comedy sketch.

    The only marketing or branding here is self referential. You are WRONG WRONG WRONG - accept it and think, research, and learn next time you get all up in other people's business.

    Better yet, why not bust ass, do what UCB did, get some financing together, find a location that complies with building code and all the other regulations, cater to the local neighborhood activists' bullshit, get a liquor license, and open your own comedy theater that appeals to your kind of people and has signage you approve of.

    otherwise, shut the fuck up already.

  10. 1:58, if you read the previous threads, people who realize the sign refers to an old UCB sketch still didn't like the sign. In-jokes don't always make for good public signs, or maybe it's simply that public-facing signs should not really require "research."

    I'm just neutrally pointing this out, so please don't bite my head off or tell me I should be helping the Japanese people instead, etc.

  11. +1 @ 1:58
    UCB has has much to do w Fratties as a used bookstore does.

  12. Reading this blog just shows me how much I despise the losers from downtown. To be more precise, these losers come from the East Village, Greenwich Village and SoHo.

  13. soooo wait... another pinkberry is opening?

  14. Why isn't anyone joining me in my cause to make EV Grieve choose a less depressing name?!?! We have to band together!!!!!!!

  15. When the new Mexican restaurant, the Flirty Sanchez opens, I’m leaving town!

  16. A pinkberry swirly hot killed half of my village! This is offensive to my people.

  17. @anon 3:57

    Focus groups are meeting now. EV Kittens is an early favorite.

  18. if EV Grieve doesn't change its name, we're gonna shut down the blogosphere

    it's IMPORTANT. this is OUR internet

  19. I'm bringing up this blog name issue up at the next netcommunity board meeting.

    I care about my weborhood!

  20. another fools' crusade in Stetzerville

  21. Dear Editor,

    I must object in the strongest possible manner to the posting of the URL by Anon 1:14.

    My eyes were assaulted by a horrific image of indescribable grotesque monstrous proportions that I dare not attempt to describe here, as many readers here would find said description revolting.

    Now, THAT was offensive!!!!

  22. Susan Stetzer is my hero. With her leadership, we will squelch anything that we may find offensive in our neighborhood.

    And we're not done yet. The battle to remove the Hot Chicks sign won't be the last -- we'll be looking for more things to protest against that certain people we do not like might find appealing.

    Just wait until we get Susan into the City Council!

  23. EV Puppies. And the avatar has to show them wearing hats.

  24. someone gets paid to invent these names?

  25. I smell a blog devoted to such signage.. how about one called ""?

    EV Baby, may I link to your post as its first entry?

  26. I was at 9st and university and there's a store there named "DoggyStyle" SOMETHING Can't remember the last part of the name but the doggystyle is on the sign.

  27. Now that The Hot Chicks Room won't be able to use their signage to attract the frat-boy bridge and tunnel (or dorm room) set- I guess Bowery Beef get's to corner that market.

  28. @Crazy Eddie

    I was also thinking unicorns. Or Hannah Montana.

  29. You know what is even more offensive? The Liz Christie Garden! I walk by it every day and the beautiful flowers, butterflies and turtles are mocking me. Just because my Paxil isn't working doesn't give them the right to be so pleasant! It's so offensive!

  30. i find the crifs dog signage offensive; it's so phallic. and cvs. c'mon, what does that stand for anyway... c^#k, vag.,$*!t? also, the pak punjab deli on 3rd st. and 2nd ave. yeah, pak punjab, man.


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