Monday, March 14, 2011

Proposals for Kurve and Tonda spaces off tonight's CB3 docket

There are several scratches for tonight's CB3/SLA meeting...

Including two high-profile spaces that we were curious about:

4AB LLC (Tonda), 235 E 4th St (tran/op)

New Liquor License Applications
Corp to be formed, (Kurve) 87 2nd Ave (op)

The meeting is at 6:30 pm — JASA/Green Residence - 200 East 5th Street at the Bowery.


  1. I'm curious. How long do CB3 SLA & DCA Meetings last? I was thinking about going to one.

  2. anywhere from 3 to 5 hours. Depends on a lot of things, such as how many sign up to speak, the mood of the committee, etc.

    The meetings have dragged on much longer, tho not as bad recently. Hard to say about with 19 items. Definetly worth going to see the process firsthand.

  3. Tonight it took until around 9-ish to get past the first 2 items, but they also spent some time first on a proposal that had to do with reducing paperwork with the SLA. I felt really bad for the people at the end of the agenda having to sit through all that. One lawyer was quietly reading his book, waiting his turn.

    They've taken the position in recent months to push items to the top of the agenda that have the most people signed up to speak. Unfortunately, those also tend to take the longest because there is more debate.


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