Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Residents of 97 E. Seventh St. haven't had gas for cooking since Feb. 19

Residents of 97 E. Seventh St. near First Avenue have joined forces after being without gas for cooking since Feb. 19. (They've also launched a Facebook page to make it easier to share information.)

In addition, one resident said that they were without gas, heat and hot water for three days starting on Feb. 19.

According to another resident:

"Management has been leaving 'updates' posted in the hallway, but everyone has been scribbling notes all over them, encouraging each other to fight back against the management. It's gotten pretty heated lately as it's become more clear that the fault lies with the management."

(The super apparently removed the older flyers in the building that contained all the comments from residents.)

In hearing about the situation from two residents, it seems as if the management company and ConEd are pointing fingers at each other over who's to blame for the 17 days without gas for cooking. One resident has said the use of unlicensed contractors led to five gas leaks in the building.

Anthony Zachariadis at management company TZM Realty didn't respond to an e-mail seeking comment.

Meanwhile, one resident said that management promised that ConEd will have all the gas hooked back up today. Despite all this, the resident said that the management has refused to discuss rent abatement. Said another resident: "Landlord hasn't mentioned any reimbursement for food expenses or rent...I'm wondering if we will all have to go to court."


  1. Take 'em to court and get added to the nationwide "Do Not Rent" List landlords maintain on tenants who sue them. Its a lose lose game for tenants. All you can do is follow the landlords home and eat their children.

  2. it is a pain in the ass but you can take the LL to court for reduction in rent for reduction in services.
    or go on rent strike and let him sue you with a notice to cure.
    in either case it's a pain in the ass.
    there is always 311 (they mostly keep statistics) and DHCR that regulates rent increases. some are denied because of serious violations.
    housing court has some folks that will help you out and there are various tenant groups.
    i don't know if metropolitan council on housing still exists. they were the first.

  3. Tough to point fingers but in the end it is CON-ED who gives the OK to turn on gas and not the owners. Never want to get CON-ED involved, cause they can always prolong the matters. Happens more often then not.

  4. NYC housing law is incredibly favorable to tenants. Just withhold rent or feel free to break your least and move. They're violating the Warranty of Habitability which means your home has to be safe and livable or you don't have to pay anything. It's a horrible situation. I highly recommend filing complaints with 311, who will send inspectors and issue fines. If you get to housing court, there are free lawyers available.


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