Thursday, March 17, 2011


EV Grieve holiday correspondent Bobby Williams passed by a few local St. Patrick's Day hotspots earlier today...


  1. 274 days until Santacon. Cheers!

  2. McSorley's - one of the most overrated bars around.

  3. Blah. Glad I spent all night playing music while artists drew half naked ladies.

  4. And this is a future Bitters Room crowd? I think someone ought to re-examine their business plan.

  5. A bit disappointed in this year's SPD coverage. I always look forward to the puke pictures and hoards of leprechaun hat wearing fools that you always make fun of. Have you gone soft on us?

  6. @anon 10:44

    Ack! To be honest, I wasn't out much... so I didn't really see much of the usual tomfoolery. I did see a few St. Patty's Day zombies lurching about this morning... their pressed jeans and untucked dress shirts a mess!

  7. @Grieve

    I have noticed that you have been ignoring me of late. What's up with that?

    In any event, I believe more people are simply throwing up on themselves now. Hence, fewer piles on the streets and by the Coop.

  8. Surely there were heavings around the area with a large percentage of FD&C Green No. 3!


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