Monday, April 11, 2011

April 11

OK, this one may be difficult to beat... EV Grieve read Tom spotted this on 14th Street just east of Second Avenue yesterday ... and with the requisite newspaper for verification...

Meanwhile, we hear that the president and COO of the International Coalition of Tree Tossing in the Spring (ICTTS) will be giving a speech this week at Cooper Union, which will give us the chance to pepper him with questions...


  1. Wow, this could be the winner! And it's still green, unbelievable. And I can't wait for that speech! (He is going to announce the grand prize...right?)

  2. Well done. Impressive, & amazingly green! It does, indeed, look hard to beat at this stage, but I'm betting there'll be one or two more to come. April isn't even halfway done.

  3. how could it still be green?
    is it artificial?
    looks real to me.
    almost a definite winner.

  4. I hope the COO has bodyguards as he may get peppered with rancid tomatoes as well as questions by the many non-winners so far.

  5. When I first saw it, I also couldn't believe how green it was. I thought MAYBE it was a fake tree OR a live tree with roots and everything planted into the soil. So I got closer to confirm that it was real (you can see some brown needles in the picture). Then I looked on the bottom to confirm whether it was a cut tree, and sure enough, it was a cut tree. But who knows, maybe it was cut in February or March? I mean, IIRC (it's been a while), I've had browner Christmas trees in January.

    -- Tom

  6. @Tom: Congratulations, quite a find this late in the game! I also wanted to ask you if you are MySpace Tom? If so, I'd like to be your friend, I know you lost all of yours to facebook.

  7. @Marty ha! I sent in a pic an hour ago. Xmas tree in a bag in front of Mars Bar.

  8. @Eden Bee: I can't wait to see that! A Christmas tree in the bag in front of the Mars Bar? How perfect!

  9. This could be the classic tree!!! If the competition had to end (will it ever?) A Mars Bar tree would be a fitting finale. I think this may go on until December though.

  10. Wow, I'm speechless. Now I'm wondering why the owner would choose to put the tree out now...I mean, it looks so good, why not keep it around until Arbor Day?


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