Thursday, April 14, 2011

Extra Place fit for Wonder Woman

Yesterday, EV Grieve Superheroine Correspondent Bobby Williams caught part of a photo shoot in Extra Place off the Bowery for what a crew member said was a promo for "the new Wonder Woman movie."

Hmm, well, NBC has a pilot in production for the fall... Anyway, who cares! Look, tiny shorts like Lynda Carter wore!


  1. Those are definitely the anti-cargo shorts!

  2. Is that a woman or a guy in drag?

  3. Mercury, that's just uncalled for. Seriously. Please don't sully this fine blog with such sexist non-humor. You're no Wombacher. Now he's funny. You're just making the rest of us look bad.

  4. In the 2nd image she kinda looks to me like lady gaga until you see the 3rd image you know it's not her.

  5. @Julio: It can't be Lady Gaga, this woman/man has pants on. Very short pants indeed, but they are pants.

  6. I like her size. Wonder Woman is supposed to be an Amazonian so it's appropriate that this chick has more build. She looks great!

  7. I'll say this much; this outfit is MUCH better than the new wonder woman outfit for the new NBC series...


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