Thursday, April 7, 2011

More on the former Tonda space: breakfast and a celebrity pedigree

We've been curious about what's coming to the former Tonda space on East Fourth Street. Our previous queries were met with a "we're still in development ... no comment" from one of the principals.

The entity, currently known as 4AB, goes before the CB3/SLA committee on Monday. Turns out CB3 posted the questionnaire from the 4AB folks on the CB3 website.

Not a whole lot more details... However! Some interesting nuggets of info... Like, the plans call for one bar with 12 seats... And the hours of operation:

Monday-Thursday, Sunday: 7 a.m. — 2 a.m.
Friday and Saturday: 7 a.m. – 3 a.m.

What else... No TVs (or hookah pipes!) ... No DJ or bands... just "small, background speakers."

And at least one of the names of the applicants seems familiar...

Perhaps this is the same Byron Bates who worked as the GM of the one-time Chelsea hotspot Bette, the place owned by Amy Sacco that brought out the bold-faced names (Scarlett Johansson! George Clooney! Uma!). The place closed in June 2008.

Here's a piece on Bette from Diner's Journal.

And if this isn't the same Mr. Bates... well, see you Monday!

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