Saturday, April 16, 2011


You won't be able to count on the crosswalks here around Cooper Square... since they've been covered in some sort of art project or prank...


  1. I'm voting prank. If it's an art project, it's a little sad.

  2. I hope it's a prank. That I can get on board with. If it's an art project, the artists are a-holes.

  3. Actually, if I am not mistaken (and yes, on rare occasions it's been known to happen), the DOT does this when light bulbs are going to be replaced; I've seen it before in other parts of the city. (Oh how weird, the Word Verification is 'light'. Swear to God!)

  4. I certainly hope the walk signals and lights are operational soon. This intersection is very dangerous. The cross-walk to cross Cooper is not even painted. Furthermore, the lack of a stop sign makes this 2 block stretch of Cooper a virtual race course, and drivers rapidly take the turn onto 6th street without even pausing.


  5. Chupid! a/k/a STUPID!

  6. I think these are new lights, that werent in place before

  7. As an aside, why are all light poles in this city so filthy? I thought it's illegal to post flyers and stickers on the posts. It makes for quite an eyesore.

  8. @ anon 11:59 am

    You're right. I looked at some older photos. These are new lights. Can't believe I didn't notice that before...

  9. Does that mean there is now a stop light at 6th Street too?


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