Saturday, April 9, 2011

A ping pong photo op in Tompkins Square Park

EV Grieve contributor Bobby Williams stopped to take a photo of this couple playing ping pong in Tompkins Square Park yesterday...

When they spotted his camera, the couple — who are deaf — motioned Bobby over. The man pulled out his own camera and had Bobby take their picture. Bobby took one for himself too.

After posing for the shot, Bobby says they went happily on their way into the Park...


  1. Yay, I love them! So great to see real New Yorkers at play instead of having to bear witness to recent space invaders from Indianowatah (Indiana/Iowa/Utah) peeps.

  2. F**king hipsters! You guys called it. This ping pong table is just another dagger in the heart of the old neighborhood.

  3. What a cute couple. I love them. Bobby was sweet to take their photo.

  4. really? a ping pong table bothers you guys? may I ask, what, if any addition or change to the neighborhood would be okay? I'm thinking you might be okay with a homeless shelter, but getting our favorite neighborhood characters out of the park isn't really keeping it real, now, is it?

  5. @Kurt: They don't look like hipsters to me. As always, nice photos, Bobby.

  6. I'm pretty sure Kurt was being sarcastic in making fun of the comments on the previous TSP ping pong post (the one where numerous people were upset about the table because it would bring "frat boys" to the park). Lighten up.

  7. This made my weekend. Thanks, EVG.

  8. dang, now I feel like a total jerk for being kinda eyeball-rolly about the ping-pong table. The lady's beret and the gentleman's vest are so stylin', and what lovely peeps they seem to be.




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