Friday, May 6, 2011

The Bowery now safe for celebrity smooching

Photogs spotted actress Diane Kruger and her boyfriend Pacey Witter Johusa Jackson necking and stuff on the Bowery before lunch at Gemma the other day. And now you can get on with your day.

[Photo via OK!]


  1. I love that I don't know who the heck they are.

  2. First lunch, then off to Brickman's to buy a crescent wrench.

  3. @Roger_Paw - If you dont know who Diane Kruger is, youve got some good google image searching in your future.

  4. OK sure, Diane Kruger, former fashion model, current Lagerfeld/Chanel muse and one of the loveliest actresses out there has a "wide ass."

    Thanks so much for contributing that scintillating observation, 10:49.

  5. The last celebrity on Bowery I actually recognized with my own eyes was Olympia Dukakis. They don't make 'em like they used to...

  6. who the heck has a name like Pacey? that is so Darien CT...

  7. Wide ass? What was someone handing out free bile sandwiches today?

  8. Yep, she has a phat ass.

  9. "who the heck has a name like Pacey?"

    Pacey Witter and Pacey Macy.

  10. Could someone please open a window? It's starting to smell like ass in here!

  11. Roger_Paw: I love that I don't give a DAMN who these non-entities are....


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