Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Fun with HBO in Tompkins Square Park

HBO was filming a "Curb Your Enthusiasm" promo something documentary in Tompkins Square Park today... EV Grieve contributor Bobby Williams was on hand for the fun...

...which involved a mime...or someone dressed like one...

... and the ping-pong table...

So the ping-pong table is going to be famous then?


  1. This is obviously curb your enthusiasm

  2. yeah, that's Leon from Curb.

    probably a promo for the new season.

  3. Ah! Thanks... didn't make it to the Park today... didn't see any signs about filming ... and I haven't watched the show since the first season.

  4. leon is funny, but not as good as Krazee-Eyes Killah. rent the dvds.

    <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FCzdEAy8WOw</a>

  5. Best show ever! Wish I had stopped in and saw leon!

  6. The promo is only available on HBO On Demand. It's called "Leon's Guide to NYC". I'll send Grieve a screen cap or two. I think I have one where Bob Arihood's in the background.


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