Monday, May 16, 2011

Jeep-minivan chase on East Houston ends in spin out

A quick eyewitness report from a few minutes ago via @talsafran on Houston near Avenue C:

"This Jeep was chasing a gray minivan. Ran red lights and spun out.

Everyone in the white Jeep ran out, the car's empty."


  1. One correction, that's not a Jeep. I believe it's a GMC Tahoe

  2. Maybe the (stolen?) Tahoe wasn't chasing the minivan but following it to the chop shop!

  3. My guess is STOLEN!

  4. I think it's a stolen GMC Yukon (not Tahoe, which is the Chevy version of the same car).

  5. WTF!I saw this Tahoe outside of Verso on C & 8th around 6:30 yesterday. That busted tire was still under the rear bumper and tow truck was dragging it to the police station on 8th... Unmarked police car?


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