Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Just a little off the restraints please

Dave on 7th notes the following happening now in Tompkins Square Park...

Per Dave: "It's art, I think?"


  1. God I hate fuckin art. What ever happened to a nice painting or a sculpture??? Douchebags!

  2. At least they're not a bar. :)

  3. Somewhere, Floyd the Barber is saying: "Oooooh!" Not that he's impressed by this art happening, he just always says, "Oooooh!"

  4. "Just a little off the restraints, please". Isn't that from Silence of the Lambs? lol

  5. This is how they give haircuts in Guantanomo - and then they shoot you in the head.

  6. "it SUCKS and it CUTS!" "Well, it certainly does SUCK."
    I like this.

  7. Is this the new performance art copying performance art???? It was loud and annoying and went on for at least 20 minutes.


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