Monday, May 16, 2011

May 16*

EV Grieve reader Scott passes this photo along from Seventh Street between Avenue A and Avenue B today. So card-carry members of the International Coalition of Tree Tossing in the Spring (ICTTS) will quickly note that:

A) There is no newspaper for authentication, verification or substantiation.
B) It's a fake tree.

Still. We dutifully Skyped ICTTS spokesperson Gruber MacDougal, currently on a truffle-hunting expedition in Western Australia. An ICTTS tribunal will hold a hearing sometime soon in the future or later.


  1. Now he's in Western Australia??? Whatever happened to the press conference we were promised!?? Do I need to quote the news from your link here?:

    From May 8:

    "Upon learning of this load of Christmas trees, Gruber MacDougal, spokesperson for the International Coalition of Tree Tossing in the Spring (ICTTS), immediately left Aman-i-Khás, a lodge located outside Ranthambhore in the Indian state of Rajasthan where he was on holiday with his mother. He is expected to make a statement upon landing at JFK tomorrow night."

  2. Tell me about it! I went all the way out to JFK for nothing! Something's up.

  3. He's in Manjimup, I presume, but a little early, surely? The season doesn't begin for another two weeks or so. Has any news of MY tree(s) reached him yet?

  4. I'm sure Scott's intentions are good, but this entry is a little sad! And as far as that son of a bitch Gruber MacDougal goes, why would he be hunting for truffles when everyone knows he EATS SHIT!

  5. I heard on the QT that Gruber is bosom buddies with Dominique Strauss-Kahn, and is so distraught at the sordid charges his lascivious French pal is facing that he had a nervous breakdown, ensconced himself in a submersible in the Mindanao Deep, and plans to remain incommunicado until further notice.

  6. This shit ain't fun anymore its tiresome a long time ago.

  7. @Lisa: Ha ha ha! I hope your sources are correct!


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