Monday, May 9, 2011

NYPD adds a portable tower on 13th Street

EV Grieve correspondent Bobby Williams notes the arrival of a portable NYPD watch tower on 13th Street between Avenue B and Avenue C in the Campos Plaza... Not sure just yet why this has been added...


  1. Well duh, its alphabet city, crime is not exactly unheard of in these parts.

  2. This is NYPD making sure all the people in the public housing understand NYPD is lording it over them in the total surveillance state.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. @Bob Arihood--is it true--gangs and a current murder or is it a snide remark??

  5. @Lindsay, sorry you about your experience but did you spend anytime in the neighborhood at all before moving in? I'm not talking about Saturday night bar hopping with friends but on a weeknight? The neighborhood is better than it once was but the scale is tipping back a little to the bad old days. I know lots of posters on this blog are looking forward to the crime but I'm not one of them. Seriously, if you feel unsafe just break your lease. Two months rent is worth peace of mind.


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