Wednesday, May 18, 2011

This find awaits your 8-track collection

EV Grieve reader BH discovered this on East Fourth Street. And in case you were curious, the panel on the bottom part is not a speaker — it's a light show box. Oh yeah.


  1. OMG!!! Wow, what a treasure - I wish I had the capabilities to provide a home.

  2. That's actually pretty awesome. I'm sure some hipster will grab it and turn it into a bar - which is what I'd do if I gave a shit.

  3. I dunno if it comes with air guitar rights.

  4. Is it wrong for me to want this? Honestly, if I wasn't out of town right now, I'd go get it!

  5. i used to have that thing! the bottom panel is fantastic, with colorful flashing disco lights that throb with the music. i used to play my Blondie 8-track in it and have dance parties. back in the day.

    but this specimen looks like it might have bedbugs.

  6. @ Jeremiah

    Any photos that you can share? We''d like to see the Disco Moss!

  7. My mom had a similar one, lights and everything! I remember being 11 years old and listening to Bowie's "Low" on 8-track over and over again (multi-colored lights flashing to the beat). Ahh.... nostalgia.

  8. All of the sudden I'm jonesing to roll a joint on an eight track tape! It's a K-Tel moment indeed!

  9. will take that over an ipod anyday

    and i'm sure someone will come up with a product like that with an ipod docking station, another faustalgia -- wish i can patent my ideas here

  10. hmm...i had a cowboy hat and yellow aviator shades, and i loved Heart of Glass. that's all i'm saying.

  11. For anybody interested,
    That's the "Radiomaster 4D Sound System"
    (hey, that's an even cooler name LCD Soundsystem)
    Can find absolutely no reference of in google.

  12. I want a light show box. This is a genuine find!! Rock and roll. I am sure someone handy could fix it up and restore it to it's glory daze once again.

  13. Lets party..........

  14. I love this beyond all (or any) reason.


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