Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Today in that sinking feeling about the Mars Bar

Yesterday, as this photo by Goggla shows, that machine thing was back outside the Mars Bar testing soil samples to monitor the toilet water level. (They were last spotted in February.)

And as for actual closing dates, well, there's plenty of rumors and speculation ... the latest word on First Street is that Prof. John upstairs has to vacate his place by mid-July.

EV Grieve correspondent Bobby Williams happened by as well. He took these shots...


  1. Yup. Passed by this truck yesterday and nearly winced in despair. Almost snapped a photo for you myself but figured you'd get the news from others and you did! What a nice little community we have. :)

  2. oh man this is horrible. like wtinessing a murder, torture style, in slow-motion. LMAO at the toilet water comment though.
    i picture their meters exploding while trying to measure toxicity. mwa ha ha...

  3. Just as I get my friends to love the place we have to start looking for a pale, inadequate substitute...

  4. I'd give anything if someone would post a photo of E.T. revived and news that the Mars Bar isn't dying, but I guess that isn't going to happen. Sob!

  5. I've been scouting for alternatives...there are a couple of places in the area with a relaxed, casual atmosphere, that feel like I might be able to meet up with neighbors regularly, but there just isn't a replacement. Anyone have any good ideas?

    I found myself in a place last night exclaiming, "The bathroom doors lock and I don't have to worry about touching anything - wooo!" Heh.

  6. Justin Vivian Bond of Kiki and Herb fame (infamy? heh) lives upstairs, which I learned from this week's New York Mag:

    … we walk to his apartment, which is above the proudly filthy and soon-to-close Mars Bar on Second Avenue. … [Bond] is going to have to leave this apartment next month. The ramshackle building is surrounded by the dormlike Avalon Bay apartment complex, and will soon be demolished to make way for more of the same. Bond still isn’t sure where he’s going.

    *shakes head sadly*

  7. well to be honest I also exposed them to manitoba's and they liked that as well, as do I but it's just not the same it hasn't been there since I first lived in NYC back in the early 80's


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