Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Yesterday at 35 Cooper Square

Yesterday afternoon, part of 35 Cooper Square started coming down. (Here's a photo via Curbed.) Still, not quite the full-on wrecking ball shitshow some people expected.

EV Grieve contributor Bobby Williams was on the scene too.

He noted a few suits looking down at the condemned property from the Cooper Square Hotel next door...

...including (MAYBE!) developer Arun Bhatia there on the right (have only ever seen him with a helmet on...)

...after a little while the suits left...


  1. And we still don't know what's going up in its place?

  2. @Ken No. but we do know it will be ugly, totally out of scale, forbidding, and not meant for the likes of you and me.

  3. Sad, sad, sad. I hope the suits fall in the sink hole.

  4. We need to send SEAL Team 6 in there before it's too late.

  5. Happy Days are here!

  6. Nero and Caligula?

  7. Couldn't someone have just pushed these parasites off the balcony into the building they are destroying????


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