Saturday, June 4, 2011

Abandoned kitty on East 11th Street?

From a reader:

There's an absolutely amazing young cat hanging around on East 11th b/n B & C. He/She's way too friendly, well behaved, and clean to be a stray. He's either lost or abandoned. Seems like a young adolescent.

Anyone? Been spotted in the 600 block...


  1. I hope this kitty finds a home. @EV Grieve: I don't know why, but the fact you described him/her as a "young adolescent" absolutely cracked me up!

  2. I just realized that it was a reader that described the kitty as a "young adolescent." Still laughing over it, and I don't know why. I'm thinking maybe acid flashback.

  3. That's my block! It could be one of the feral cats that still live there. There's been a colony around for at least 20 years.

  4. He was certainly not feral. Waaaaaay too clean and friendly to have been on the streets for awhile. I found him to be quite the little charmer. He wasn't outside this morning when I went to look for him, so I hope he either went home, was found, or was taken in by a kindly soul.

    Yeah, agreed, "young adolescent" is and odd way to phrase it.


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