Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The demolition of 51 Astor Place means the end of the New York Film Academy Café here

So with the news that the demolition of 51 Astor Place begins on July 1... I guess it's safe to assume that the New York Film Academy Café will be closing up (possibly moving to a new location?) at the end of the month...

The Café replaced the (east) Astor Place Starbucks early last year... During a meeting last night about 51 Astor Place, representatives for the developer said that the staging for the demolition would be taking place in the area where the Café currently sits...


  1. Which means more murdered trees...God DAMN these people to hell.

  2. Fine trees, but what about the natives pushed out to make whatever crap you transplants consider sacred. Don't your Mother's miss you? Just asking. Signed,
    NY is Full


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