Wednesday, June 15, 2011

EV Grieve Etc.: Mourning Edition

Questions linger over arrest at the Tompkins Square Park chess tables (Neither More Nor Less)

The unique Footlight Records on East 12th Street is becoming a real-estate office (Jeremiah's Vanishing NY)

A look at Avenue C's Umbrella House (Off the Grid)

What will happen to Pier 35 on the East River? (BoweryBoogie)

RIP Barry Chusid (The Lo-Down)

33 reasons to love summer (The Village Voice)

And from a reader via email:

Rally for Real Rent Reform At Gov. Cuomo’s NYC Office

On June 15, the rent laws are set to expire, putting the homes of over two million New Yorkers at risk. Tenants are demanding that Governor Cuomo and the State Legislature do more than just renew the laws. We need stronger laws to protect rent stabilization for the future!

WHEN: Wednesday, June 15 at 5 pm
WHERE: 633 Third Avenue (Between 40th and 41st)
WHY: New York needs real rent reform NOW!

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