Saturday, June 18, 2011

Ivories on pop-up piano in Tompkins Square Park ready for tickling

Today, the nonprofit organization Sing for Hope officially unveils the piano in Tompkins Square Park, one of 88 that you can find around the city...

This morning, Allen Semanco photographed Jordan Bailey tuning up the piano...

Meanwhile, Bobby Williams noted it last night as it sits near the ping-pong table.

So! What will be the first song that someone plays? This is my guess. Sounds pretty good on a piano...

Uh, anyway. A few other facts. The artist Nicolina did the art for this piano, dubbed "Piano of Magical Merriment."

And go here for the official list of activities at this piano.

1 comment:

  1. David Lee Roth should open the festivities by singing, "Busted" in honor of when he got popped in Washington Square Park for buying a nickelbag of pot.


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