Monday, June 13, 2011

A look inside the former Teriyaki Boy on East 10th Street

EV Grieve reader LU notes the progress today at the now-gutted former home of Teriyaki Boy, which closed last month. Meanwhile, the rumor is that a Terakawa Ramen outpost will open here.



  1. bon yagi, landlord, stated that rai rai kin (sp?)down the block is expanding into the teriyaki space.

  2. BG is that's true, that's good news. Bon Yagi, with his Japanese restaurant mini empire, rules. He is a credit to this neighborhood.

  3. I've also heard that Rai Rai Ken will be moving/expanding there.

  4. while i don't object, rai rai ken is great. but it would be nice to have an old fashioned luncheonette or something on the block. enough with the japanese noodles (and pizza shops too).

  5. Damn it! We don't need a larger Rai Rai Ken! We need Teriyaki Boy! I feel almost despondent about it closing!

  6. Actually went to Rai Rai Ken this afternoon. What I really wanted though was some Chicken Cutlet Curry that Teriyaki Boy used to serve. Oh well...


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