Thursday, June 16, 2011


A helpful sign on Avenue A at 13th Street.


  1. Or climb on your high-wheel bicycle and hie yourself thither! Take care, lest your waxed moustache catch flame! Be wary of the ladies, for they may get the vapors and faint from excitement!

  2. I'm loving the super-old school fonts on that sign. I bet it was printed at least 60 years ago and there's boxes of 'em in some dank closet in City Hall.

  3. "Out of Service. In Case of Fire, You're FUCKED!!"

  4. Adam I was thinking the same thing! The date on the lower left says 1970, but those fonts and verbiage are straight outta the 1940's!

  5. The reference to '911' means it was printed sometime since 1968, when the number '911' was selected as the nationwide emergency number.

  6. Oh, sure, you may WANT to report a fire .. but do you really NEED to? :-p


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