Monday, June 13, 2011

NYPD checkpoint on First Avenue

samo sends us word (and these photos) that the NYPD has a checkpoint this morning on First Avenue near First Street...

Seems as if they're focusing more on car and trucks than bikes. But you never know. Put on your bike bells.


  1. and make sure one wears pants and not skirts

  2. Damn cops. I'm wearing a skirt but at least my bell is hanging out.

  3. I am well past the age of teenage rebellion but these days I find myself identifying with a certain "NWA" rap song from the 80s. The whole concept of "to protect and serve" is all a big joke now. You literally cannot trust anyone to anything. Law-abiding, tax paying RESIDENTS have to watch their back against criminals and cops alike. Don't turn your back to anyone, don't trust anyone.

  4. @esquared: Thanks for posting that link!
    "I decide what's a dangerous situation."
    That's one scary cop.

  5. Good luck next time you are in trouble Anon. don't call the cops, they are clearly all evil and do no good.

  6. @anon 12:20 Nobody said they're all evil, just saying you can't blindly trust a person because of their badge alone. If you think I am being unreasonable go check out and see all the current news stories about crooked NYPD cops. I counted three on the front page today just this morning.

  7. correction, this is the page

  8. Part of the problem is that being a cop is the worst job on earth. My father was a cop, and rose to be a quite high ranking one in the 1970s and early 1980s. When kids did stupid things, he took them home and told their parents to do a better job. Even in the much more dangerous 1970s NYC, you were not at risk of finding a 14 year old kid with a gun. Cops policed the neighborhoods they grew up in, had discretion to throw Billy's weed in the sewer rather than putting him in jail, and tried to do the best they could. Now, with everything on video and youtube, rules that can't be broken, "quality of life crimes," etc., all cops do is find misconduct and write a summons or put people in cuffs, and retire the day after 20 years on the force.

  9. We have info that the NYPD is using federal anti-"terrorism" funding to set up check points all over the city, but the city's not looking for "terrorists," it's looking for REVENUE by giving tickets!!

  10. Why dont you move out of the city if you hate the cops that much...
    They got a job to do, respond to 911 calls, handle gangs in schools, reckless taxi drivers and bicyclists who cause accidents. If you follow the traffic rules, you WONT GET A TICKET. I live in East VIllage 9 years, never once had a bad run in with the 9th pct< They even help me find my car when I forgot where I parked it. THey took me for a ride in their car and drove me block by block till we found it. There are crooked people evreywhere you go, the nypd has 30 thousand people, you think they are all angels?? No Im sure a few jerks got hired, but most of them are respectfull.
    CHris Flash, seriosly, stop whining your a friggin killjoy, get a lil happy for once. You must hate evreyone and think that evreything is out to get you. Yes, tickets are revenue for the city, DUH. We elected a businessman to help the city get fiscally back after 9/11 put our economy in the toilet, WHAT DO YOU THINK HE IS GONNA DO? Do whatever he can to make the city money. Thats how he got rich in the first place. DOnt like it? VOte for someone else or move to Jersey. They have republicans there


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