Friday, June 17, 2011

'Road repairs' continue on Extra Place

Crews arrived Monday for "road repairs" on Extra Place... (Shouldn't it have been "Place repairs"?) EV Grieve Extra Place correspondent Bobby Williams took these photos.

And Goggla had this photo from Extra Place yesterday...

Meanwhile, I'm starting the rumor that they're putting in a canal ... as part of the Bowery's new Canal District.


  1. they are paving the way for a destination mall -
    an eating experience
    and a chase bank/starbacks

  2. @Roger_Paw

    Billy Leroy will appreciate the sheep lane comment!

  3. Sheep? I was hoping for pigs...

  4. hm, shouldn't that be *SENIOR* EV Grieve Extra Place Correspondent Bobby Williams?

  5. My pic sucks - thanks to Bobby for taking some good ones.

    I think this space would make a perfect lap pool or outdoor bowling alley.

  6. @Marjorie

    I'm giving him an Executive Producer's credit instead!


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