Saturday, June 11, 2011

Tomorrow's punk show in Tompkins Square Park has been moved to July 9

Given the 70 percent chance of rain ... Chris Flash at The Shadow sent along word that the show has been rescheduled for July 8. July 9. [Updated: My fault — I posted the wrong date.]


  1. Now all he has to do is disinvite David Peel, and the show will be perfect!

  2. That's "July 8" as in "July 9" (assuming you believe Flash, which I choose to for this one occasion only).

  3. @Gecko

    He told me July 9... that was my mistake...

  4. Does anyone else find it funny that these anarchists called off a concenrt because of rain ? Screw society, unless it's raining in which case we'll screw society tomorrow.

  5. No, it's not funny to reschedule because of rain; it's a politcal statement. Scheduling is bourgeois (which makes it rather difficult to navigate without a spelling checker). Rain-soaked musical instruments, however, are not; they are tragic, if not downright dangerous (don't you remember your high-school physics: electricty + water = no mix)


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