Saturday, July 23, 2011

Are vigilantes targeting the rats of Tompkins Square Park?

Yesterday, we wrote about The Villager's article about a group of parents who are upset about all the rats in the recently renovated, $1.5 million playground off Ninth Street and Avenue A.

Meanwhile, we've noticed a few gruesome rat crime scenes. Like this one this morning in the Park. Looks as if someone used a shovel...

Or this one ... from a photo by Steven Hirsch on 10th Street near Avenue A ... a gunshot wound to the head?

Previously on EV Grieve:
Parents group upset about number of rats in Tompkins Square Park (30 comments)


  1. Wow! Very Little Italy circa 1987.

  2. Wish they'd take out the smurfs first.

  3. IS IT SOUP YET ... shame don the chicken man isn't here for the spoils .... That would scare some co-op yuppies away

  4. So we can add torturing and killing animals to Dude & Bro's drunken late night festivities? Disgusting.

  5. rats are everywhere!

    we sat down one spring evening to watch the fire flies and the nearby garbage can became alive with rats.

    needless to say we left the park, stuyvesant park that is.

    while ps19 seems to have fewer rat holes (there were tons last year) i have noticed more large rat holes at TSP, especially on the avenue a side.

    there was a BIG rat problem on 10th st (1-2) and while there are still rats around the number has decreased.

    the DOH did little to help, wrote a few landlords about their garbage but not much more - they have severely reduced staff.

    restaurants sealed their basements and hired exterminators as did many buildings. many buildings also placed garbage in cans with lids.

    unfortunately people still toss their crap on the street as do the loud drunks who throw their garbage into the tree pits.

  6. Rat poison makes them bleed out. It's basically coumadin or warfarin. Thats what kills them, they start to bleed from, uh, all holes of their body. So these probably wern't crime scenes but rather rat poison in full force.

  7. That last photo is disturbing! He's just a little too happy to see a rat in a pool of blood. I'd say the odds that his refrigerator has the head of at least one Boy Scout is at least 50/50.

  8. Marty, he keeps his treasured Boy Scout head in his purse.

  9. rat's on the west side BEDBUGS on the east side

  10. I am not a big fan of rats, but the glee on this man's face while he photographs the dead animal is disturbing. I wonder if he reads EV Grieve or even knows we're all looking at this picture wondering what's wrong with him...

  11. @Lux Living: I was too busy looking at his face to realize has a man-purse. All the more scarier!

  12. Just talking about man purses yesterday. EVERY man now has a man purse and I'm not counting laptop bags or knapsacks. I say it's about time and next they should start wearing pantyhose and waxing their bikini.

  13. @Jill: I don't have a man purse yet, but this heat has destroyed my pantyhose and I'm a little chafed, I have to admit. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to to go and do my weekly wax.

  14. That's no man-purse. It's a duffel bag.

  15. Its not a purse jerks its a guide bag.

  16. It's a purse. It came with the outfit. 8th Street is just full of bargains!


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