Thursday, July 14, 2011

Gang warfare tonight in Tompkins Square Park

Tonight marks the third of the free music-movie nights in Tompkins Square Park. This evening's picture show: The Warriors.

And of course, the most terrifying gang The Warriors encounter: The Punks in a desolate Union Square Station! Those fellows in roller skates, rugby shirts and denim overalls.

This must be what it's like to get into a tiff at a Gabe Stulman restaurant...

Hey ho!

And the rest of the summer's lineup...

July 21 — Star Trek
July 28 — Arthur
Aug. 4 — Pope of Greenwich Village
Aug. 11 — Kickass
Aug. 18 — Rosemary’s Baby
Aug. 25 — The Godfather
Sept. 1 — Stake Land

Here's the official website for the summer movies.


  1. Never saw The Warriors. Looks a gang from Greenwich, CT.

  2. Warriors....come out to play-yay....

  3. They're no Baseball Furies...

  4. re "a tiff at a gabe stulman restaurant . . ." - yes, the wiscos. go back to the midwest please.

  5. I for one am calling the old gang back together. We'll put on our old purple satin jackets, tie some bandanas around our thighs and hope to run into some of our old nemeses. Then we can boogie down with some old fashioned Street Fighting. Hopefully, someone, somewhere nearby, will be blasting some Eagles! (spoiler alert! We were called The Saboteurs and we fought with wooden clogs!)


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